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Sandra Illsley - the Coaches' Coach - Performance and Mindset Coaching | Live Without Limits Ltd

Let go of self-doubt, get more confident & grow a coaching business you love

Performance and mindset coaching for ambitious coaches who want to make a difference to the lives of their clients and run a business they love

You started your coaching business because you wanted to make an impact on the lives of others, but as time has gone by, you realise all the things you’re having to do to grow a business are leaving you feeling overwhelmed, stressed and it’s starting to affect your self-confidence.

The rose tinted spectacles of running a business have long since been abandoned and you know you’re capable, but:
  • You’re watching other coaches smash it and feel like you’re never going to get there.


  • You’ve invested a small fortune in your coaching qualifications and feeling guilty that you haven’t ‘made it’ yet.


  • You’re finding it hard to choose a direction to take your business in when you know you can help everyone.


  • You want to deliver your life-changing outcomes without being paid peanuts.


  • You know what you should be doing to get more clients, but you just can’t seem to bring yourself to do those things.


  • You might be hearing phrases such as “your coaching business is just an expensive hobby” “When are you going to start earning some real money?” or “How’s your little business?” and that’s feeding your frustration and starting to eat away at your self-confidence.


  • ​You’re feeling guilty or angry and frustrated with yourself because of your lack of progress.


Sound familiar?...

“I felt like I was in a reality TV show for one and everyone was watching.”

I know exactly how you feel because I’ve been there myself. It felt like I’d opened the door to the Truman Show, where everyone was watching me and saying to themselves “what’s she doing now?”.  

In those early days, I wished I’d had someone like me to stop me falling down so many rabbit holes.  I genuinely thought I’d be able to figure it all out for myself, after all I was a Coach!

I didn’t realise that the problem with trying to work on yourself, is that you’re often too close to have any real perspective on yourself at all.

The good news is, you don’t have to follow the same path.  You can achieve a lot more and much quicker with the right tools. You can learn to reframe your self-doubts and walk away with the confidence and self-belief to take the actions you need to grow your business.

Made for Coaches, by a Coach

You provide a safe space and an awesome set of listening skills for your clients, but when was the last time someone held that space for you?


I’ll wager it was a long time ago, before you even realised that fears and a lack of self-confidence were going to stop you from growing the practice you first dreamed of when you set out on your coaching journey.

The Confidence to JFDI

You’ve invested a ton in your coaching skills already, and you don’t want it to turn into an expensive hobby, I get that.


I help you to realise you have all the elements to make your practice successful.  I help you to recognise and release the negative self-talk you didn’t even know you had so you can take the action you need to build a successful practice helping loads of your ideal clients.

Give Yourself Permission to go ALL IN

My clients say working with me takes them on a journey of self-discovery which helps them to see themselves and the World around them through a different lens:

The Process

The process I take you through depends on your needs, but by the end of our time together you will be able to:

  • Work out what your fears are.


  • Understand your fears better and what might trigger them.


  • Recognise where you’re likely to feel the resistance and why, so you can stop the behaviours in their tracks.


  • Know which beliefs are real and which aren’t; you’ll be able to challenge the inner critic.


  • Dispel the beliefs of “I’m not good enough”, “what if” and “I can’t do that”.


  • Move forward with techniques to manage your emotions and your fears, so your chimp brain isn’t running the show, you are.

Break the Cycle of Holding Yourself Back

“it’s f*cking witchcraft.  I don’t know how you get inside my head, but you keep drawing stuff out, so carry on…”

How I Can Help You

You may not suffer with all of these things, but in my experience there is generally a combination going on which feeds the negative self-talk, which in turn stops you from achieving what you really want to. 


I will be listening very carefully to the language you use when talking about yourself, your thoughts and experiences and I will gently help you to unravel how you’re feeling and challenge those perspectives in a safe environment.

Self Confidence

I’ll help to learn to understand what’s feeding your lack of self-confidence.  I’ll help you to rewire your inner beliefs for the long-term so you’ll be able to trust your abilities, qualities and judgement.

Emotional Control & Resilience

If you’re consumed by fears or negative self-talk, they can have a huge impact on your ability to get out of your comfort zone and grow your business.  Emotions can’t be avoided entirely, but I can give you support & strategies to maintain calm and focus when you need it most.  


Simply having the desire to accomplish something is not enough on its own.  I’ll help you to uncover your purpose & motivation and give you tools to stop procrastination in its tracks. If you’re a sucker for a shiny object or find yourself eternally perfecting things in your business before putting them out into the world, we will work on that too.

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome isn't a broad enough term for the feelings it can cover: a lack of confidence, belonging, self-worth and perfectionism can all play into why you might be feeling like an imposter.


If there are feelings feeding your imposter syndrome, I'll find it and help you to uncover the labels you may be giving yourself, so you can learn to recognise them and realise they are not your truth.

What My Clients Say...

“I've figured out I am my business and if I’m not functioning, my business is not functioning. I’ve uncovered attitudes and expectations I have of myself, that I wouldn’t have of anyone else and I save all these things as a rod to beat myself with. Now, I can observe my own habits and behaviours in the moment, call them out, use your tools and techniques to not self-sabotage and come at things in a really positive way, instead of telling myself, counterproductively, 'I'm sh*t and I need to get better'.

I've come a long way.”

Ready to Take Action?
The Fundamentals
  • We work together over 6 sessions (generally one per week, unless a piece of homework needs longer to achieve);


  • Using solution focused coaching approach to get you unstuck; 


  • You may have some reflective homework to do between sessions so you can make quiet progress outside of them;


  • I hold a safe space to explore your thoughts, feelings and beliefs without judgement and


  • Many of my clients say my approach is both subtle and gentle, meaning you can explore how you feel and start to move forward  without worrying about resistance to change.

How is it Delivered?

6 x 60 minute sessions online.

Your Investment

The program is £810, or two payments of £405 (3 weeks apart).

Is it like counselling?

As you know, coaching is a wonderful tool which can unlock your true potential like nothing else can, but if you suspect you may need counselling for something more significant, coaching wouldn’t be the best fit for you in that scenario.  


I feel really uncomfortable opening up, what if I get upset?

I hold a safe space for you to explore your thoughts, beliefs and feelings. I know you might have struggled to open up with many other people before, so getting the chance to be entirely honest can result in huge emotions ranging from being upset to unbridled joy because the biggest weight has been lifted off you and everything in between. Feelings do pass, but being able to express and acknowledge them is so important.

Will I have to discuss things I don’t want to?

Just like you offer your clients boundaries, it's really important you know you have them with me, too. You lead the conversation and you will never be forced to discuss anything you don’t want to.

Will this programme fix me?

The good news is, you aren’t broken and you don’t need fixing.  This programme is designed to give you the foundations you need to get unstuck from the situation you find yourself in now, and a way forward.  Being a business owner, means you need the ability to perform, a bit like a sports person would.  Working on your mindset will be a technique you need to practice, but we work out which tools you need so you can continue your journey.  Many of my previous clients come back for my Asynchronous Coaching, so they can have coaching in the moment, as and when they need it.

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