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running through brick walls...

we built walls to protect us, now they need bringing down...

Your clients need you. I mean they really need you.


You have services that help your clients be more, do more, feel more; to be there for their clients, be there for their families, to be there for themselves...


You have a real flair for coaching and helping others, but you're holding yourself back big time. You could be:


  • not offering your services even though you’re highly competent and qualified, just in case they say no;


  • struggling to put boundaries in place and giving away your knowledge for free;


  • staying in your comfort zone and avoiding what you need to do to get more sales, even though you’re facing significant financial hardship;


  • living with huge amounts of stress and anxiety because you're thinking through every eventuality, even for projects you don’t own;


  • avoiding having the difficult conversations in case you upset someone or make them feel bad, then having to ‘live with’ the issue, instead;


  • believe you'll always be a procrastinator, so don't ever start won't start doing something until you're up against the deadline's deadline (and even then you might not do it), believing you work best under-pressure, but knowing you’ll be working into the night because you 'p*ssed the afternoon up the wall';


  • always doing courses because the last one didn’t give you the validation you were looking for so you’re onto the next one;


  • not implementing anything you’ve learned from the last course(s) because the believe the magic bullet, you just haven't found it yet;


  • never being happy with what you’re aiming for and then moving the goal posts before you’ve achieved the last target;


  • constantly fearing the worst, then over-controlling everything and everyone;


  • helping other people achieve their goals and dreams and ignoring your own, in the hope they'll like you more...


Then I'm going to suggest you're self-sabotaging, because thinking and doing things like this seriously affects your ability to get visible, get more clients, build the business you want.


But I bet you didn't even realise this was a thing.​

I bet you thought only other people self-sabotage... but coaches do it too.

And the biggest myth of all is that coaches don't have any of our own sh*t going on, but we totally do!!! 


I'm gonna suggest that the walls you built to protect you, are no longer serving you.


So let me help you run through your brick walls so you can:

  • build the courage to share your gifts and talents with the world,

  • trust yourself to deliver and stay the distance,

  • believe in yourself like others do,

  • bounce back after failure and move on without wasting time (days, weeks...months?),

  • ACHIEVE the dreams you’re destined to achieve.


And I cannot wait to help you get started.


The beta is:


  • 6 months long - so you can borrow our belief and confidence in you, until you’ve truly built your own;


  • In two parts. 


  • Part I: A 6-week workshop (bitesized, totally awesome and transforms your life forever...because that happened to me and happens to countless others, too) that will blow your self-limiting beliefs out of the water, identify the ways you self-sabotage and tool you up to help you achieve your potential;


  • Part II: Follow-on biweekly group coaching calls (for 20 weeks) to embed the new ways of thinking and working; a supportive, safe group that you can feel totally yourself and be vulnerable in, knowing you've got time to get out of your own way, we've got your back and you can do the work;


  • Just for coaches - so you’re not running into potential clients and you’re amongst people that get what it’s like to be a coach and run a coaching business;


  • Intentionally small – just 3 coaches in the group (plus me), so you’ve got time to talk and be heard, not drowned out or overwhelmed through large numbers of competing voices (or messages);


  • Not totally a beta – I’ve facilitated group coaching and Part I before and one client went on to sleep with her husband for the first time in two years (not her objective, but an epic bonus!!!), I've just not combined the two elements in this way, before;


  • A confidential safe space - it’s run over Whatsapp, Monday to Friday, with deeply-listening ears, accountability and cheerleading as standard;


  • Payable monthly - £150 per month, or as a lump sum of £900 if you’d prefer.

How does that sound?


We start early September and we’ll take the main UK school holidays off but we’ll agree other dates depending on who joins and there are just 3 beta places up for grabs.


Time to run through your brick walls?

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